About me...
Blessed Knots was born in 2019, stemming from a 'crazy' idea to make a macramé tapestry for my 40th birthday. After achieving that, I couldn't stop.
My imagination drives me to create more and more each time. Then, I started with crochet. I can take it everywhereNews—unlike macramé, usually large and heavy items with beach wood selected by me.
For over 20 years, I've been passionate about semi-precious stones and fine jewelry. I used to design fine jewelry until my hands got injured. I took a break, and although I no longer use pliers and wires for jewelry, I still love creating unique pieces.
And that’s how Ubless was born: to blend my passions for art, fashion, and design. Alongside Blessed Knots, Ubless becomes my new baby, a new dream, and a new project that I started from scratch.